What is a hum?

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favourite 30 sec
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your Gallery & hit Share!

Discover conveniently.

Access hums created by your buddies and tastemakers in a feed you can conveniently sample through.

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Share convincingly.

Hums allow you to express what a song truly makes you feel. Capture nostalgia in a bottle!

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Engage with
your followers.

Meet awesome new people from all around the world and bond over shared musical interests.

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Create a station,
Become an RJ.

Want to start a channel devoted to just road trip music? Craving some Techno house? Stations is where it’s at!

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Our team

We are a young team of musicians and artists trying to catch the next big wave in social music streaming and audio consumption.


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Early access

Can't wait? Reach out to us and say Hi 👋🏻
at hello.humit@gmail.com

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